What Causes Dizzy Spells?
We've all occasionally experienced a dizzy spell or felt a little “off” when first standing up. Dizzy spells are common and can be caused by dehydration or low blood sugar. However, there are instances in which dizziness occurs as a result of certain diseases. It’s important to be aware of the root causes of dizziness and to know when to see a doctor for it.
What can cause dizzy spells?
According to the National Institutes of Health, a balance disorder is a condition that makes you feel unsteady or dizzy, as if you are moving, spinning or floating, even though you are standing still or lying down. The cause of balance disorders can be related to health conditions, medications, or a problem in the inner ear or the brain. Examples include a viral or bacterial infection in the ear, an injury to the head, or a blood circulation disorder that affects the inner ear.
If you feel like the room is spinning, this may be a sign that your balance is impaired. Some other symptoms can include:
- Staggering when walking, or falling or feeling as if you are going to fall when you stand up.
- Lightheadedness, faintness, or a floating sensation
- Blurred vision
- Confusion or disorientation
In addition, other symptoms of a dizziness or balance disorder can be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, changes in heart rate and blood pressure, fear, anxiety or panic.
As we age, we notice that our strength isn’t what it used to be, or that we are unable to participate in activities or tasks that we once could. Often, issues with balance and dizziness coincide with aging, and occasionally can result from taking certain medications.
The National Institutes of Health states that there are more than a dozen different balance disorders, but the most common are:
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): Also known as positional vertigo, BPPV causes brief episodes of mild to intense dizziness.
- Labyrinthitis: When the inner ear is inflamed, causing loss of balance or dizziness.
- Ménière's Disease: A disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance.
- Vestibular Neuronitis: Single or multiple attacks of vertigo or a persistent condition that diminishes over three to six weeks.
- Perilymph Fistula: An abnormal opening between the air-filled middle ear and the fluid-filled inner ear.
- Mal de Debarquement Syndrome (MdDS): An imbalance or rocking/swaying sensation often both felt and seen by the sufferer occurring after motion exposure.
When to Seek Medical Attention for Dizzy Spells
If you experience any unexplained, recurrent, or severe dizziness, seek medical attention. You should call 911 or go to the emergency room if you experience vertigo or dizziness along with the following symptoms:
- Significant head injury
- A new, different or a severe headache
- A fever higher than 101°F (38.3° C)
- A very stiff neck
- Blurred vision
- Sudden hearing loss
- Speech impairment
- Leg or arm weakness
- Loss of consciousness
- Falling or difficulty walking
- Chest pain, or rapid or slow heart rate
Request an Appointment
To learn more or request an appointment with the Crozer Health Center for Dizziness and Balance call 1-877-95-DIZZY (1-877-953-4999) or request an appointment online.