William J. Warning II, M.D.
Program Director, Family Medicine Residency Program
Medical Education:
Jefferson Medical College
Philadelphia, PA
Residency Training:
Lancaster General Hospital
Lancaster, PA
Graduate Education:
Certificate of Medical Management, Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA
Board Certification:
Family Medicine
Certificate of Added Qualification, Sports Medicine
Fellow, American Academy of Family Physicians
Special Interests:
Preventive Medicine and Wellness Programs
Office Procedures, Sports Medicine
Role of the Physician Executive
Gardening, Jogging, Cross-Country Skiing
My Wonderful Family
Anne Donnelly, M.D.
Chair, Dept. of Family and Community Medicine
Medical Director
Medical Education:
Louisiana State University Medical School
Shreveport, LA
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia
Board Certified:
Family Medicine
Area of Special Interest:
Caring for Families
Geriatric Medicine
Preventive Medicine
Women's Health
Current Research:
How Learning Styles and Personality Type Relate to Performance on the In-Training Examination among Family Medicine Residents
Philosophy Of Care:
Partnerships over time allow for trust and understanding to develop between doctor and patient. Setting common goals allows us to work together as a team. Caring for the entire family, from birth through death, is the cornerstone of family medicine.
Nexplanon, IUD, Endometrial Biopsy, Colposcopy, I & D's
Sarah Morchen, M.D.
Associate Program Director, Family Medicine Residency Program
Medical Education:
UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Camden, NJ
Residency Education:
The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Family Medicine Residency
Providence, RI
Fellowship Training:
Faculty Development, The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Providence, RI
Board Certification:
Family Medicine
Special Interests:
Preventative Medicine
Women’s Health
Underserved Medicine
Deborah R. Longo-Malloy, D.O.
Director of Aesthetic Medicine, Family Medicine Residency Program
Director, Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum
Medical Education:
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
Residency Training:
Mercy Catholic Medical Center
Darby, PA
Crozer Health Family Medicine Residency Program
Springfield, PA
Board Certification:
Family Medicine
Special Interests:
Aesthetic and Cosmetic Medicine Office Procedures
Women's Health and Preventive Medicine
Kathryn Beldowski, M.D.
Director, Geriatric Medicine, Family Medicine Residency Program
Medical Education:
Jefferson Medical College
Philadelphia, PA
Residency Training:
Jefferson University Hospital
Philadelphia, PA
Fellowship Training:
Jefferson University Hospital
Philadelphia, PA
Board Certification:
Family Medicine
Area of Special Interest:
Geriatric Medicine
Nursing Home Care
Teaching Residents and Fellows
Philosophy Of Care:
I am dedicated to the care of older adults. My goal is to take an individualized approach to patient care by understanding my patients’ values and wishes in the context of their health and environment. I work closely with my patients and their loved ones to improve overall health, function and quality of life. It is important to me to share my experience and knowledge with residents and fellows in order to provide the best care for our aging population.
Philip Bixby, M.D.
Attending Physician, Clinical Faculty
Medical Education:
Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia
Residency Training:
Crozer Health Family Medicine Residency Program, Springfield, Pa.
Board Certification:
Family Medicine
Special Interests:
Underserved/Community Medicine, Social Determinants of Health, Care of Hispanic Populations/Speaking Spanish, Preventative Medicine, Nutrition/Lifestyle Medicine, Addiction Medicine, Office Procedures (IUD, Nexplanon, Knee Injections, Basic Dermatologic Procedures)
Philosophy of Care:
I enjoy caring for patients of all ages and backgrounds and developing long-term, trusting relationships to help them reach their goals. I value preventative care and take a holistic approach to promoting health and wellness by incorporating nutrition and lifestyle changes into their medical care for the best possible outcome.
Mark D. Cassano, Psy.D.
Director of Behavioral Sciences, Family Medicine Residency Program
Medical Education:
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
Doctoral-Level Internship:
VA North Texas Health Care System
Dallas, TX
Beck Community Initiative, University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Area of Special Interest:
Integrated Behavioral Health Care
Chronic Pain
Weight Loss/Diet & Nutrition
Smoking Cessation
Health Coaching/Chronic Health Condition Adjustment and Management
Philosophy of Care:
I aim to provide patient-centered, holistic and compassionate care to each patient, and work collaboratively with them to provide a treatment that is tailored to their individualized needs.
Donna Collins
Residency Coordinator, Family Medicine Residency Program
Student Medical Education
Residency Orientation
Resident Rotations
Resident Evaluations
Resident Schedules
Kevin DuPrey, D.O.
Assistant Director, Sports Medicine Fellowship Program
Medical Education:
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
Residency Training:
Crozer Health , Family Practice Residency Program
Springfield, PA
Fellowship Training:
Sports Medicine, Crozer Health
Springfield, PA
Board Certification:
Family Medicine
Sports Medicine
Special Interests:
Running Medicine
Acute and Overuse Injuries
Current Research:
Sports Concussion Recovery, ACL Tear Prevention, Improving Safety in Endurance Events
Disease Condition Syndrome
Sports concussions, tendonitis, osteoarthritis
Philosophy Of Care:
I enjoy working with patients of all ages and abilities to allow them to return to the activities they enjoy in the safest and most effective manner. My approach is holistic to look at the whole picture and help prevent future injuries.
Ultrasound guided Joint Injections, Tenex TX Tenotomy, Osteopathic Manipulation, PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Injections, Prolotherapy, Compartment Syndrome Testing, Gait Analysis
Katherine Mahon, M.D.
Director of Community Medicine
Director of Resident Scholarly Activity
Assistant Director of Family Medicine
Medical Education:
Jefferson Medical College
Philadelphia, PA
Residency Training:
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Crozer/Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers Super-Utilizer and Hot Spotting Fellowship
Springfield, PA
Board Certification:
Family Medicine 2009
Areas of Interest:
Care of Medically Underserved/Vulnerable Populations, Health Care Delivery/Primary Care Transformation, Women and Children’s Health
Marah Mattheus-Kairys, M.D.
Director of Diversity
Assistant Director of Family Medicine
Medical Education:
Drexel University College of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
Residency Training:
Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, PA
Graduate Education:
Super-utilizer Fellowship, Family Medicine Residency, Crozer Health
Board Certification:
Family Medicine
Special Interests:
Underserved Populations
Women’s Health
Office Procedures
Mental Health
Rock climbing, cooking, gardening
My husband, Mark, and dog, Marley
Letitia O'Kicki, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer, ChesPenn Health Services
Medical Education:
Temple University School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
Residency Education:
Temple University, Family Practice
Philadelphia, PA
Board Certification:
Family Medicine
Special Interests:
Underserved Populations
Public Health
Community Health
Collaborations with community organizations
Ashu Singh, M.D.
Medical Education:
Temple University School of Medicine
Crozer Health Family Medicine Residency Program
Springfield, Pa.
Board Certification:
Family Medicine
Areas of Special Interest:
- Adolescent Medicine
- Underserved/Community Medicine
- Women’s Health
Ashu grew up in North Carolina and went to the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill where she studied Biology and Spanish. After college, she worked as a diabetes care assistant at which time she developed an interest in primary care and working with an underserved population. She then moved to Philadelphia to go to medical school at Temple University. She chose family medicine as it would give her the opportunity to take care of a variety of patients, while developing long-lasting relationships with them. Ashu completed her residency at Crozer Health Family Medicine and her areas of interest include adolescent medicine and women’s health. She participated in additional clinical training in adolescent medicine in Chicago to better serve her patients prior to returning as faculty. Outside of medicine, she enjoys cooking, drawing, working out and spending time with her family and friends.
David Webner, M.D.
Director, Sports Medicine Fellowship Program
Medical Education:
Sackler School of Medicine
Tel Aviv, Israel
Residency Training:
Family Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Fellowship Training:
Sports Medicine, Crozer Health
Springfield, PA
Board Certification:
Family Medicine
Certificate of Added Qualification, Sports Medicine
Special Interests:
Sports Medicine
Stress Fracture Management
Marathon Running
Tom Yuen, M.D.
Director, Inpatient Medicine, Family Medicine Residency Program
Chair, Clinical Competency Committee
Medical Education:
UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Camden, NJ
Residency Education:
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program
Philadelphia, PA
Board Certification:
Family Medicine
Special Interests:
Underserved Medicine
International Medicine
Preventative Medicine
Residency Teaching
Patient Education
Cansu Baycora, DO
Medical Education:
Rowan University
Glassboro, NJ
Cansu grew up in New Jersey and was charmed by the Philadelphia area while attending medical school at Rowan University in south Jersey. She then completed her family medicine residency at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson. She pursued family medicine because it allowed her to partner with patients in establishing goals for their health and making plans to achieve them together. She is grateful for the opportunity to form long-lasting relationships with her patients. In her spare time, Cansu enjoys reading, hiking, and spending time with her loved ones.
Kelley Dickson, D.O.
Residency Training
Crozer Family Medicine Residency Program, Springļ¬eld, PA
Board Certification:
Family Medicine
Medical Education:
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Graduate Education:
Master of Science, Biomedical Sciences, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Medical Interests:
Underserved population
Lifestyle Medicine
Preventive Medicine
Women's Health
Medical Student Education
Office Procedures
Resident Education
Samantha Diangelus, D.O.
Medical Education:
Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine,
Indianapolis, IN
Residency Training:
Crozer Health Family Medicine Residency Program, Springfield, PA
Board Certification:
Family Medicine
Special Interests:
Social Determinants of Health
Preventative Medicine
Patient Education
Underserved/Community Medicine
Mental Health
Philosophy Of Care:
I believe my job as a family physician is to be my patient’s partner in health and I value team-based care in which the patient is the most valuable player. My role is to act as a health interpreter and advisor in each patient’s journey to find and maintain health, I do so by building trusting long term patient relationships through compassion and open communication. I use evidence-based medicine and patient education to empower my patients to take charge of their health.
How to Apply and Interview
All applications to the Crozer Health Family Medicine Residency Program must come through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). The deadline for receiving applications is December 31.
Contact Us:
For more information, please contact:
Crozer Health Family Medicine Residency
1260 East Woodland Avenue, Suite 200
Springfield, PA 19064
Phone: 610-690-4471
E-mail: fmresidency@crozer.org