At Crozer, we strive to create an atmosphere that promotes resident wellness. PGY1, 2 and 3 support groups meet regularly throughout the year. Faculty members join interns at Crozer for lunch once a month to provide support and discuss any concerns or questions. Our residency meets as a group three times a year to listen to resident feedback about our program and changes are often made in response to this feedback.
Additionally, we have dedicated wellness time built into each resident’s schedule. These half day blocks are intermittently dispersed throughout the year and are fully protected for our residents. Our annual residency retreat is a chance for us to bond as a group outside the office
How to Apply and Interview
All applications to the Crozer Health Family Medicine Residency Program must come through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). The deadline for receiving applications is December 31.
Contact Us:
For more information, please contact:
Crozer Health Family Medicine Residency
1260 East Woodland Avenue, Suite 200
Springfield, PA 19064
Phone: 610-690-4471
E-mail: fmresidency@crozer.org