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Crozer Health’s psychotherapy services can help you cope with feelings anxiety, despair or anger and work toward real solutions in an honest, private and confidential environment. Outpatient psychotherapy is the process of openly sharing your concerns, thoughts and feelings with a professional in a group or individual setting.
Crozer Health’s psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers offer:
- Treatment in a decent and respectful manner
- Realistic emotional support
- A neutral, non-critical and nonjudgmental environment
- A professional relationship
- Adherence to ethical codes to assure that therapy remains safe.
You don’t need to have been diagnosed with serious mental illness to need therapy. Therapy can be used for both serious mental illness and life problems that cause distress. Your therapist can help evaluate your needs and develop a therapy plan.
In most circumstances, you can expect to attend weekly therapy sessions as deemed clinically appropriate by your doctor and therapist. Often, these sessions last until the issue that brought you into treatment has been resolved.