Dermatology is the diagnosis and treatment of conditions and diseases of the skin, hair and nails. The skin is the largest organ of the human body, providing protection against heat, cold and injury. The skin prevents bacteria from entering the body, regulates body temperature, prevents water loss and stores body fat and water. Nails and hair provide protection to areas of the human body.
Dermatologists are board-certified physicians who train for years to care for patients' dermatological conditions, treating more than 3,000 conditions of the skin, nail and hair.
Conditions We Treat
When it comes to diagnosing and treating treating conditions of the skin, nails and hair, you want a team of dedicated, experienced and compassionate physicians who can diagnose and treat your specific condition and stay laser-focused on your needs. Crozer Health 's board-certified dermatologists deliver all that and more.
Our experienced, board-certified dermatologists are well-versed in treating all types of conditions of the skin, nails and hair, including but not limited to:
- Acne
- Aging Skin
- Autoimmune diseases
- Blistering conditions
- Fungal infections of the nails and skin
- Hair loss
- Moles
- Psoriasis
- Rosacea
- Skin cancers (Basal cell, Squamous cell Melanoma)
- Spider veins
- Vasculitis
- Women's skin problems
Crozer Health 's board-certified dermatologists perform the following procedures to treat all types of skin, nail and hair conditions. In addition, our Mohs surgeons are dermatologists specially trained to perform minimally invasive surgery to treat basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers.
- Acne Scar Removal
- Botox
- Chemical Peels
- CO2 Laser Treatment
- Collagen Injections
- Cosmetic Surgery
- Dermabrasion Injectables
- Electrodissection and Cutterage
- Evaluation and Rejuvenation of the Aging Face
- Fillers
- Hair Transplants
- Laser Rejuvenation, Surgery
- Mohs Surgery
- Scar Revision
- Sclerotherapy
- Treatment of all Types of Skin Cancers