Physical Therapy
Physical therapy focuses on the evaluation, management and prevention of disorders of human motion. Outpatient physical therapy provides orthopedic rehab and preventative services to restore your mobility and function, and preventing of further disability.
We believe that your journey to wellness and pain-free living is a collaborative effort between our specialty trained licensed therapists, your physician, and you and that our personalized treatment plans designed for your specific needs are crucial to healing.
Physical therapists may provide treatment and education regarding any of the following:
- Mobility (movement)
- Balance and gait retraining
- Heat and cold therapy and massage
- Activities of daily living (ADLs)
- Burn care
- Casting and splinting
- Wheelchair, walkers, canes, and crutches
- Muscle retraining
- Pain management
- Cardiovascular strengthening
- Use of orthotics (braces, splints) and prosthetics (artificial limbs)
- Exercise programs
What to Expect from Physical Therapy
If your doctor recommends physical therapy before moving on to surgery or medications, you may be wondering what to expect during your appointment. Typically, your physical therapist will start by asking questions about your health and specific condition. They will perform a detailed examination to evaluate your strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and posture. They will then work with you to create a plan to reach your goals, which will include alleviating your pain and improving your ability to perform your daily activities and tasks.
While physical therapy is less invasive and risky than surgery or medication, it’s not necessarily easy. You’ll be expected to be an active participant in your treatment, which can be challenging at times. This includes performing the exercises and activities recommended by your physical therapist, keeping your therapy appointments, and following up with your doctor regularly. Performing the home exercises and activities prescribed by your physical therapist is as vital to your healing process as the ones you do during your therapy sessions.
Most people experience significant improvements in mobility and pain relief as a reward for the hard work of physical therapy – all without the added risks of surgery and medications.