Crozer Health Recognizes Nick Insogna R.N. as DAISY® Award Recipient
Crozer Healthrecently recognized Nick Insogna R.N., from the NeuroScience ICU at Crozer-Chester Medical Center, as a recipient of The DAISY® Award.
The DAISY® Award is a program that recognizes excellence in nursing and was created by The DAISY® Foundation to highlight the clinical skills, extraordinary passion and care exemplified by nurses every day. Award recipients consistently demonstrate each of the following criteria: Dedicated, Autonomous, Innovative, Selfless and Extraordinary.
Nick was nominated for The DAISY® Award by the wife of a patient at Crozer-Chester Medical Center for the compassion and comfort he provided during their visit. “I will be forever grateful for all of the nurses that have touched my life by giving of themselves for my husband's health and well-being. When I was perplexed about body functions my husband was having, Nick took me aside and drew a picture of what I needed to understand. Nick displayed a sense of normalcy when things in my life were anything but normal,” she said. “These wonderful nurses worked together effortlessly -- the shift change was unrecognizable. The team would always maintain a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Lives matter to all of them, and they are truly in my heart forever. Every minute I see my husband, I remember Nick and those who had such a positive impact on his well-being! I will be praying for everyone in this field. I am forever grateful that we were blessed to have the best of the best at Crozer-Chester Medical Center.”
“Nick definitely displays the behaviors this patient’s wife described day by day, I am lucky to have an employee that has such a passion for teaching not only patients and their families but colleagues as well,” says Elaina Fernandez, Clinical Nurse Director, Neuro ICU & Step Down Unit at Crozer-Chester Medical Center. “Nick is a true example of a well-rounded nurse that deserves this award”.
The DAISY® Foundation and The DAISY® Award
The not-for-profit DAISY® Foundation was established by family members in memory of J. Patrick Barnes, who died in 1999 at the age of 33 from complications from an autoimmune disease. The care that Barnes and his family received from nurses throughout his illness inspired this unique means of thanking nurses for making a profound difference in the lives of their patients and patient families.
Each DAISY® Award honoree is recognized at a public ceremony on his or her unit and receives a certificate, a DAISY® Award pin, and a beautiful hand-carved stone sculpture. In addition, the unit celebrates their colleague’s achievement with Cinnabon cinnamon rolls, which were a favorite of Patrick’s during his illness.